Check it out, I accidentally created a preset in Adobe Lightroom 4 while editing one of the packages! Even though there are many flimsy presets that look like Instagram, I have to admit, I kinda like this "Cartoon Silver" preset, almost named it "Vintage Silver".
To see the original edited photos, click HERE
Debating whether if this preset is professional or not, I decided to try it on more photos and here are the results. Tell me what you guys think?
If you can use an external flash, it'll enhance the silver look/feel. I don't know about internal flash though. But I noticed, even without flash, the filter brings out the image really good (Like the ones where the groom and bride party is in front of the fountain)!
These photos were shot in RAW. I haven't tried this preset on JPEG files. I do believe it won't be as great as RAW (as always). If you liked the photos, you are more than welcome to take "Cartoon Silver" for yourself. You may have to readjust the 'exposure' setting sometimes (depending on your photo brightness).
Be careful, this preset isn't really intended for professional wedding; unless your clients request this style. Otherwise keep your clients' photos colorful and happy :)
Be careful, this preset isn't really intended for professional wedding; unless your clients request this style. Otherwise keep your clients' photos colorful and happy :)