MADE IN 2009/2010

Had to say, I'm very proud looking back and seeing my dedication in getting films completed during college years! It was fun :) also seeing I have over 6,000 views on something I worked hard on makes me happy!

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"We love because He first loved us"

1 JOHN 4:19

Music - Devotchka, "The Winner Is"

More details for guests will be included in sub-sequential message (Facebook message, email, etc)

Gift Registry with BED BATH & BEYOND ®

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Bed Bath & Beyond is pleased to have registered 

Ecaterina Radova


Eugene Savchuk

registry # 13723367

To receive a registry or purchase a gift, visit us in-store,
online at bedbathandbeyond
or call 1-800-GO BEYOND

Complimentary gift packaging available in-store or available for a nominal fee.


I thought is was neat that pastor and the rest of the gang (chairman) from Slavic Baptist Church of Salvation were invited to our home for some BBQ. BBQ meetings should happen more regularly.

I arrived home from the lake, and quickly grabbed a camera as soon as I saw them!!!

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Speaking of cinematography, I had an interesting conversation with Dan Kachula. He mentioned how film used complimentary colors to attract the images to the viewers eyes. At first I didn't get what he was saying until he explained how hollywood have been using a useful technique in colors. 

Holly would use two opposing colors in their compositions. What do you mean? Hollywood would take the positive (subject) and subtract the negative (background) with colors. In other words, since we people are yellow/orange tint, the background would be the opposite color (in this case, blue/green).

Wow!!! It blew my mind in seconds. I felt like all the things I learned in art class, as far as color, started to finally come together. I remember recommending my brother to choose blue and orange color because they are complimentary colors.

And lets not forget the traditional christmas colors, red and green! and then purple and yellow. You would have learned this if you took any art classes.

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When Dan finally meddled with my brain, the first thing that came on my mind was a popular show called "Breaking Bad", it all made sense to me now. 

So when I went home. I kept in mind to spot out this "opposite colors" concept for the next film I watch, "Fringe". And what did I discover? Let me just share the snapshots I took;

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Just look how they light the subjects (characters) one side is blue, the other is red/orange! I gave me a good laugh after learning the revealing truth! No matter how tinted the colors are, you will always spot the difference in colors. Isn't this awesome?

It makes sense since they need to use this concept as dramatic cinematography, here's why;
blue or teal/orange

these terms may not makes sense to you since if you haven't studied composition and art. Easy way to explain this is these opposing portions will make the composition just pop out in hard contrast. It's not black and white, it's seeing the black and white in the grey color!

suffice to say, I will share some of my work that turned out to fall in this category ;)

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And if you are not sure enough, here are some more evidence here and here!

Just completed our second Professional Wedding Video! Mercy and I did our first wedding video here.

Watch the video below 


I still haven't thought of a logo name yet for video biz so forgive me using my photo biz logo

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Also definitely check out Mr. & Mrs. Alex Solodyankins' awesome photos taken by Eugene Michel here

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Check it out, I accidentally created a preset in Adobe Lightroom 4 while editing one of the packages! Even though there are many flimsy presets that look like Instagram, I have to admit, I kinda like this "Cartoon Silver" preset, almost named it "Vintage Silver".

To see the original edited photos, click HERE

 Debating whether if this preset is professional or not, I decided to try it on more photos and here are the results. Tell me what you guys think? 

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If you can use an external flash, it'll enhance the silver look/feel. I don't know about internal flash though. But I noticed, even without flash, the filter brings out the image really good (Like the ones where the groom and bride party is in front of the fountain)!

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These photos were shot in RAW. I haven't tried this preset on JPEG files. I do believe it won't be as great as RAW (as always). If you liked the photos, you are more than welcome to take "Cartoon Silver" for yourself. You may have to readjust the 'exposure' setting sometimes (depending on your photo brightness).

Be careful, this preset isn't really intended for professional wedding; unless your clients request this style. Otherwise keep your clients' photos colorful and happy :)

Click HERE for the "Cartoon Silver" preset.


Here's a little Promo Ethan and I worked on for Petra's Event, Silent Film!

If you live in Charlotte area, you definitely need to attend one of the events. Leave me a message if you are interested. Ethan's talent isn't worth missing, even Charlotte Observer can back me up on this one!

Here below is a short Documentary. John, James and I filmed this one with 2x 5Dm2 and 60D. John Errington Directed and Produced this short. 

To check out more of Ethan, go to, meanwhile watch this last youtube video of Ethan free-styling in one of Beethoven's masterpiece!


Made my older brother an album mix per request before his final turnover.

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He sacrificed more than anyone could imagine for this moment! Last year, Tolly even gave up a $30,000 vacation just so he can study his laws. Good luck bro, praying for you to rock the world with that hall of intelligence in your head.

It's all going to pay off soon...


SORRY :( I deactivated the video already. Regretfully, you cannot view the film anymore.

Before Update...

Draft Film I'm leaving up for two days for critique!!!

Please let me know if this video still needs some touchups? Any suggestions on what to add or take away? I feel like it's incomplete and I can't point my finger at what...

Three most important rules of editing;

Emotion is the most crucial aspect of film. Even if it means to sacrifice Story and/or Rhythm, do so. Some films don't make sense yet have good Emotions and the audience can still enjoy viewing it. Story is the next important step. When you edit, make sure your film makes sense, a film that has a plot. Rhythm is third important step, have your film flow with Rhythm. When you are putting your scenes together, ask yourself, "do each raw footage attract (add) to your film or subtract?" 

A good editor do not only edit with rules but with personality. When you pour your heart out editing, you are doing it right; you are being emotional towards your footage. That is the beauty of Art, no rules!

The last three important steps are Eye-Tracing, 2D Placement Screen and 2D Space of Action. 


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Singda Dam in Imphal by Andrey Solodyankin

Beginning of 2013 I had the chance to explore the beautiful Manipur in India, surrounded by mountains.

Soundtrack is called "Moments" by Tiesto. This Video is for personal intentions only. There is nothing commercial about this, just sharing the beautiful experience.

Don't get confused, they are Indians, despite their looks. They do come from the neighboring Thailand, China and Vietnam. In fact Manipur stands in the middle, between Thailand and India, if the distance is measured! Nevertheless, it is still India and they are Indians :)

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India is hot alright. Mumbai, Kolkata (Calcutta) and especially New Delhi. But Manipur was an escape from heat (compared to rest of India). I believe it has to do with mountains; where the passing breeze is encapsulated! In other words, you will enjoy a perfect summer!

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Stay tuned for the wedding in India being put together!


Just finished designing and producing a Logo for my good friend in India, Jeffery. :) Check it out!

Music is titled "Terrible Fate" thanks to Theophany for the permission of its use!
Jeffery was looking for something subtle and gothic with a sense of sorrow. I also had this image of his design to help me fix it up a notch.

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Here is a few more older works I've done last year for church on a short film and a music composer, Steve Stedman.

Anyone who needs help with their promos, let me know :)

Video Invitation?

Mercy and I had a great idea to make a creative video invitation! To save money, time and stress, we definitely liked this idea.
I thought about it and wondered why hasn't anybody done this before? This is so much better in many ways! This step was one of my favorite parts of planning the wedding. It was much easier to reach people with our invitation; sending them the link to the cute video in HD, along with a personal detailed message! And for those who aren't internet savvy, we could send a professional DVD to their address along with a short letter :) How awesome is that?

Yes, we filmed ourselves and if you know of anyone who wants a fun and new approach, please contact us here. We would love to help! And if you don't like your video results, you don't have to pay anything!!! What's there to lose?

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Here is my first professional wedding video. We didn't have all the right equipment for video since the plan was to do photography. Until the day before the wedding, the bride's father requested for a video too. I said, sure why not? Now that I gave it a try, I found that videos is what I want to do! Therefore, Mercy and I agreed to work towards a new direction :)))))

If you know anyone who is getting married, make sure they contact me first. We are giving away GOOD DEALS for the first ten brides (Wedding Videos only, not photography)! There are 8 open doors left! We prepared new business with new tools; to prevent shakiness and over-exposure etc! Stay tuned for the next amazing video we just filmed.  

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