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Singda Dam in Imphal by Andrey Solodyankin

Beginning of 2013 I had the chance to explore the beautiful Manipur in India, surrounded by mountains.

Soundtrack is called "Moments" by Tiesto. This Video is for personal intentions only. There is nothing commercial about this, just sharing the beautiful experience.

Don't get confused, they are Indians, despite their looks. They do come from the neighboring Thailand, China and Vietnam. In fact Manipur stands in the middle, between Thailand and India, if the distance is measured! Nevertheless, it is still India and they are Indians :)

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India is hot alright. Mumbai, Kolkata (Calcutta) and especially New Delhi. But Manipur was an escape from heat (compared to rest of India). I believe it has to do with mountains; where the passing breeze is encapsulated! In other words, you will enjoy a perfect summer!

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Stay tuned for the wedding in India being put together!